Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day The September Garden

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As the summer season comes to an end the gardens are showing signs of fall with bright pink blooms of sedum and plumes of dwarf fountain grass swaying in the breeze. The temperatures are now stabilizing in the 70s and in the evenings there is a nip in the air. It is time for look into the garden for another Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. Come take a walk with me and lets see what is blooming in my Long Island garden. 
September Perennial Garden

The perennial garden on the west side of the patio is showing dried spikes of astilbe against the white fuzzy foliage of the Lambs Ear and bright blues of the Juniperus Blue Star. A hint of remaining purple pokes through from the Salvia Maynight and plumes from the fountain grass can be seen in the backdrop.
Variegated Liriope (Lillyturf)

At this time of year Variegated Liriope is at its peak displaying vibrant purple spikes of color above variegated green and white foliage...
Sedum Brilliant
and Sedum Brilliant is at its height with bright deep pink blooms.

Fountain Grass
Around the front of the driveway the plumes of the fountain grasses sway gently in the breeze...
while the Mockingbird watches me take photos from below. I have been trying to get some close ups of this feathered friend all summer long and have finally gotten used to the zoom on my new camera while the Mockingbird was nice enough to sit and let me take his picture!  He visits the garden everyday and is such a joy.
Hydrangea Endless Summer
Along the back fence the hydrangeas are now at the end of their bloom and the flower heads are a lovely shade of pink getting ready for fall.
Dwarf Butterfly Bush
One of my new favorites in the garden is Dwarf Butterfly Bush Lo & Behold Blue Chip.  I purchased this variety of butterfly bush two years ago and recently planted three more in the front yard. They bloom profusely throughout August and September and draw an array of butterflies to their fragrant purple blooms...definitely one of the highlights of the September garden.

Crape Myrtle Sioux and Platycodon (Balloon Flower)
Another favorite is Crape Myrtle.  This one viewed from the back patio is still in full bloom after three months.  In the foreground is Platycodon (Balloon Flower) which is also still in bloom at this time of year.  Even though spring and summer are my favorite months, I look forward to these two blooms as the cooler temperatures approach.
Sedum and Heuchera

In the backyard these two plants, Sedum and Heuchera thrive next to one another even though they are known to grow in different conditions.  The area gets just the right combination of sun and water for each and the burgundy and pink complement one another.  Another interesting combination is Barberry with Sedum, which you will see a few pictures down.
Garden Whimsy

For a little bit of garden whimsy I recently purchased this bird bath from a local nursery out east and I love how the two little birds sit nestled on the edge.  The local birds are enjoying the new addition as well each time they visit the garden.
Sedum Brilliant against Barberry Royal Burgundy

Here is the combo of the Sedum and Barberry I mentioned earlier...
and here is Garden Gal.
Garden Gal
  The Palace Purple Coral Bells are very large this time of year so Garden Gal is peeking out from among them playing a game of peek a boo.
Hydrangea Tardivia
Hydrangea Tardivia blooms later in the summer once the other hydrangea are through their bloom cycle.  This one is located on the side of the house so it is fun to take a tour in my own yard to see the blooms.
Stella D Oro Daylily

And last but not least is Daylily Stella D Oro.  With regular deadheading this wonderful bright yellow daylily blooms throughout the entire summer and into fall and I can always rely on it to give me a burst of color.  It is definitely a stable in the garden.

Hope you enjoyed the tour and thank you for visiting my Long Island September garden.  Be sure to also visit our Bloom Day hostess Carol at May Dreams Gardens to see what is blooming in other gardens around the world.   As summer comes to an end and fall approaches there is anticipation in the air as I look forward to the changing colors of the garden once more.

As Always...Happy Bloom Day and Happy Gardening!

Author: Lee@A Guide To Northeastern Gardening, Copyright 2013. All rights reserved


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